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Town/city/borough Birmingham, Digbeth, Handsworth (City and Borough of ), Harborne, Sandwell, Smethwick, Warley
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Keeleigh in a nutshell
Hello! My name is Keeleigh! My lessons are directly tailored to you. We will talk about your strengths and weaknesses and address what we need to work on. I work on comprehension, SPaG, reading and writing/creative writing all in preparation for your SAT's. I have 2 years experience working with english students at GCSE level and also studied english A-Level so I am very experienced in English.
Hello! My name is Keeleigh! My lessons are directly tailored to you. We will talk about your strengths and weaknesses and address what we need to work on. I work on comprehension, SPaG, reading and writing/creative writing all in preparation for your SAT's. I have 2 years experience working with english students at GCSE level and also studied english A-Level so I am very experienced in English.
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