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Secondary school
University students
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Master's degree (M): Arts and Education Practises
Bachelor's Degree: Theology and Worship
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Kay-Marie in a nutshell
I am currently employed as a Creative Arts and Music Director in a local church in Hertfordshire. I have been working as a Creative Arts and Music Director for 10+ years, since graduating university in 2015. I have always been excited and passionate about the Creative Arts, Music, Art, Drama.

You can expect engaging, fun and in depth lessons that will allow you to explore creativity and imaginat...
I am currently employed as a Creative Arts and Music Director in a local church in Hertfordshire. I have been working as a Creative Arts and Music Director for 10+ years, since graduating university in 2015. I have always been excited and passionate about the Creative Arts, Music, Art, Drama.

You can expect engaging, fun and in depth lessons that will allow you to explore creativity and imagination through Art and Music. Art and Music is one of the most powerful tools to walking through life and is intrinsic in every place of employment. Developing our innovative thinking will enable you to be proficient at problem solving, support better relationships and help you stand out of the crowd.

I seek to get to know my students and find what helps them learn and grow and so my lessons are tailor made to your passion, personality and learning style.

I have worked with many people of different ages and so can adapt to suit your learning styles.

I have a degree in Music and a Masters in Arts Education and years of experience in the industry, so will provide lessons that not only help you through coursework and exams but will also give you insight to life beyond school.

I have worked in primary schools and colleges, taking students through exams. I am grade 8 vocals and have taken students through their singing and piano grades.

I look forward to hearing from you soon, and please don’t hesitate to ask any questions.
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