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verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Secondary school
University students
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Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree: Computer Science
Bachelor's Degree: Mathematics
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Katya in a nutshell
Due to my background and experience in the Science and IT fields, I possess good organization, optimization, and analytical skills. It helps me to thoroughly understand students' needs and the areas they have to be focused on.
I am passionate about teaching and sharing my experience in learning mathematics and technology. I use a few methods while tutoring students.
First, I believe that every su...
Due to my background and experience in the Science and IT fields, I possess good organization, optimization, and analytical skills. It helps me to thoroughly understand students' needs and the areas they have to be focused on.
I am passionate about teaching and sharing my experience in learning mathematics and technology. I use a few methods while tutoring students.
First, I believe that every subject could also be approached “by association.” I prefer to give examples of real-life applications for every topic before it gets too technical. This way makes it memorable for a student. For example, we can talk about a system of equations in physics or an algorithm used in everyday technology.
Second, I like to establish the initial basics for every topic covered. It is important to know formulas and theorems first, even if understanding comes later on. I emphasize memorizing definitions, axioms, and theorems. I create individual reference sheets and keep updating them as we work further. I prepare practice problems for my students to review the material before their quizzes or exams. I invest a decent amount of time into preparing and creating material before each session or class.
Finally, I am a true believer that practice is essential. In my words, “muscle memory” benefits a student and helps him or her in choosing the best approach for solving similar problems. I encourage students to complete additional assignments if I feel they would benefit from them.
My background has always been focused on Mathematics, Physics, and IT. I started my higher education at Novosibirsk State University, Russia and continued it in the US. I spent about a year taking ESL and CORE classes at a community college and shortly got accepted at the Computer Science Department, University of Maryland.
During school, I worked part-time under the FDA as a developer and worked on other projects to cover my tuition ('311' Project for Washington, D.C.). My paper on How to Apply Math Logic in English 101 got adopted into the course. In addition, I added Mathematics as my second degree due to my passion for the subject. After graduation, I joined the Federal Reserve, Washington D.C., atomizing statistical releases. After that, I got a contract with Diamond Resort Intl' in Las Vegas, NV. I also edit textbooks for musical colleges in Russia, as well as translate papers and publications. I have also tutored students online (Science, Software, Russian-English).
For over five years, I have mostly worked as an individual tutor; however, I frequently conducted sessions with a group of students as well. Most of my students request assistance with Precalculus, Calculus I-II, Algebra, and Trigonometry. I prefer to tutor 6-8 grade students in person due to the importance of understanding the material at that age, which usually determines their passion for their future education or professions.
In addition, I enjoy working with students earning their Master's or Doctoral degrees, by helping them with research and fundamental supporting subjects. I helped 11 students to pass ASVAB over the past 12 months, and they successfully joined the military. I also prepare future teachers for American teacher certification exams (i.e. Praxis).
To sum up, I enjoy creating opportunities for students to be leaders in their future learning. I am looking forward to working with students and watching them succeed.
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