During our lessons I am focused on your needs and how you feel you learn the best weather this is with images me just explained or writing things down I will adapt to fit your needs. In my sessions I can either go over the work you have done in class and make sure you understand it completely or weather we just need to go over it again so I can test your knowledge in order for it to go into your...
During our lessons I am focused on your needs and how you feel you learn the best weather this is with images me just explained or writing things down I will adapt to fit your needs. In my sessions I can either go over the work you have done in class and make sure you understand it completely or weather we just need to go over it again so I can test your knowledge in order for it to go into your long term memory and Challange you with extended work on the topic to make you on top in class! Making the most out of sessions I will always leave you with work to do to come back with next week and also looking ahead to what you will be learning next to give you a head start !