I aim to tutor children through engaging explanations such as worked diagrams we make together around big biological processes, or via the use of dual coding- providing pictures alongside definitions to aid memory. It’s a proven psychological method to help long term memory retainment. Also after each few sessions around specific topics I will do recaps either as a mini quiz which I will mark or...
I aim to tutor children through engaging explanations such as worked diagrams we make together around big biological processes, or via the use of dual coding- providing pictures alongside definitions to aid memory. It’s a proven psychological method to help long term memory retainment. Also after each few sessions around specific topics I will do recaps either as a mini quiz which I will mark or as a blank page retrieval if we did a worked diagram to see how much the student has learnt and what gaps still need to be filled. I will also explore different learning methods to help the student better understand how to focus their revision best.
I myself struggled with science subjects at GCSE up until the beginning of year eleven I was stuck on a grade 3, however with a lot of work and personal understanding of how I learn best meant I came out of them with a combined science grade of a 7 which is equivalent to an A. I also take biology as a current A level subject alongside chemistry. I’m currently at an A in my a level studies so I believe I have more than enough knowledge to sufficiently tutor my students and improve their grades and understanding.