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Katie in a nutshell
I have recently completed my GCSEs of which I took Maths Higher

Via Zoom, we can study your own chosen topics or topics that I think will benefit the child. Anything they struggle with, we can talk through together and do example questions. We can work in whatever way benefits the student, but I always recommend to do practice questions. I never want a student to feel disappointed about gettig s...
I have recently completed my GCSEs of which I took Maths Higher

Via Zoom, we can study your own chosen topics or topics that I think will benefit the child. Anything they struggle with, we can talk through together and do example questions. We can work in whatever way benefits the student, but I always recommend to do practice questions. I never want a student to feel disappointed about gettig something wrong; this is a judgment free-zone where we can talk about mistakes or errors without negative association.

The sessions will often begin with a discussion of our goals for lesson and any questions the student has. Then there will be a quick quiz to gage the students ability in the chosen topic for the session. It is also important to recap previous content so some quizes may include questions on other topics. After this we can go through any errors and complete similar example questions of together. Once the student feels confident, there will be independent practice. At the end of the session, we will have a conversation to find out how the student feels on that topic. If they are still struggling, we can do further lessons on it.

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