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Kate in a nutshell
Hello! My name is Kate. I am in English Language and Literature teacher. I am Australian, but I have lived in London and now France for the past 15 years. I love teaching online and English literature is my passion. I can help you become more confident with your English abilities, or if you already are, help you reach your goals, whatever they may be! I am a keen reader, love Shakespeare and am a...
Hello! My name is Kate. I am in English Language and Literature teacher. I am Australian, but I have lived in London and now France for the past 15 years. I love teaching online and English literature is my passion. I can help you become more confident with your English abilities, or if you already are, help you reach your goals, whatever they may be! I am a keen reader, love Shakespeare and am a big fan of tennis. I love exploring France and trying new food. I know what it is like to learn something new that doesn’t come easy (seeing as I am learning French!). With this comes a patient, kind and understanding teacher.

After working exclusively in secondary schools for the past 14 years, I am now an online teacher. I work with many students who are preparing for their 11+ or 13+ in English, students who are preparing for their IGCSE and GCSE exams in English Literature and Language and students who need support improving their English language skills. In London, I worked as an English teacher, was a head of three English departments, became an Assistant and Deputy Principal and completed my qualification to become a headteacher. During this time, I led on curriculum, and specifically helping teachers be better teachers across the English curriculum, ESL (supporting students who had English as an Additional Language) as well as being a SENCO (supporting students with additional needs). I have a lot of experience and many students stay with me for long term to help achieve their goals.

Before our first lesson, please reach out to me with your goals. My lessons are all personalised and adapted to your needs. For example, some students I work specifically on descriptive writing skills with, some specifically on grammar. I am flexible to your needs.
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