My style of tutoring will ensure great success for my clients! I will build strong healthy and fun relationships which sets up the foundations of a positive environment from the get go. I utilise different drills that will improve game awareness and also drills that will physically get you up to speed! Furthermore, these drills will most definitely not be boring so whilst you constantly better yo...
My style of tutoring will ensure great success for my clients! I will build strong healthy and fun relationships which sets up the foundations of a positive environment from the get go. I utilise different drills that will improve game awareness and also drills that will physically get you up to speed! Furthermore, these drills will most definitely not be boring so whilst you constantly better yourself, you will also be having the time of your life. I have been playing football for over 15 years and I have captained 2 different teams whilst also currently being a PE teacher for kids aged 9 to 18. Not only this, but I played youth cricket for Westminster and captained my school team. I truly believe that I will be the right person for you as I offer my services for the right reasons! I do not charge high prices seeing as my only goal is to see you achieve yours!