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University students
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Bachelor's Degree (studying): LLB Law
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Kaan in a nutshell
With Law, I find the key things to address are your weaknesses, as the strengths are easily retained. We would begin by addressing areas you feel your knowledge is lacking in the most, and begin through a building-block method of restructuring how you retain that area of law in your mind.

I found the most useful way to consolidate my knowledge during my degree, was to break a module apart, and p...
With Law, I find the key things to address are your weaknesses, as the strengths are easily retained. We would begin by addressing areas you feel your knowledge is lacking in the most, and begin through a building-block method of restructuring how you retain that area of law in your mind.

I found the most useful way to consolidate my knowledge during my degree, was to break a module apart, and put it back together, as if I had never even touched it before. The good thing about this method, is that it allows you to comprehend the information in a way that you now understand, having your fresh legal knowledge, but it does not involve the masses of time you spent learning modules the first time.
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