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Julio Cesar
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Julio Cesar
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Secondary school
University students
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Julio Cesar in a nutshell
I studied law at the University of Havana and practiced for 15 years. Afterwards, I dedicated myself to journalism and worked for different media.
I have a deep knowledge of the Spanish language and excellent qualities to teach it to students of all ages and levels of Spanish.
I am very professional, serious and dedicated to my work.
My teaching system is adapted to the age and level of knowledge...
I studied law at the University of Havana and practiced for 15 years. Afterwards, I dedicated myself to journalism and worked for different media.
I have a deep knowledge of the Spanish language and excellent qualities to teach it to students of all ages and levels of Spanish.
I am very professional, serious and dedicated to my work.
My teaching system is adapted to the age and level of knowledge of the student. I strive to link the teaching of Spanish with an approach to the history, culture and traditions of Spanish-speaking countries, especially music and literature.
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