Josh Visva
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Josh Visva
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15 reviews from Josh Visva's current and former students
Dash and 14 others recommend Josh Visva
“For the first time, I’ve set some proper goals for my life. Josh helped me plot a line of achievable and realistic mini-goals to take me where I want to go. It was such a great relief to have someone to act as a guide and a confidante that I could consult on my ideas and aspirations. I finally know where I want to go with my life and what I want to do and I can’t wait to get started!”   Dash, Undergraduate
"Always positive, Josh makes even the toughest subjects feel manageable. He's a ray of sunshine!"   Nick, 9
“The bespoke learning plan which Josh drafted for me is a truly amazing document. It gave me so many insights into myself and made me realise I’d wasted so much time with ineffectual learning. I can now see now how my future studying and learning has been focussed like a laser for me by Josh. I only wish I’d come to him sooner!”   Kazuaki, 25 – Postgraduate student
Mr. Joshi
“My son’s confidence has gone from strength to strength under the expert coaching and mentoring of Josh. Before, Javed was painfully shy and this held him back from so many things. Now, he’s so confident and motivated about his schooling, himself and so many other aspects of his life. He’s now telling us what he wants to do with his life and everyone has noticed the new Javed; our friends, his friends, our family and his teachers. We can’t thank Josh enough for what he’s done!”   Mr. Joshi, father and Business Manager
“Josh’s empathy and understanding is what I truly appreciated most. I had to constantly chop and change our lessons as I was going through a really difficult period in my life. He was always so kind and understanding and he was flexible enough to accommodate my crazy schedule without ever complaining. He always understood when life got in the way and helped me catch up without any stress. I’m so grateful for Josh believing in me, even when I didn’t, and that made all the difference”.   Mena, 19
“I’ll admit, I had my doubts about online learning when I first came to Josh. All my previous tuition had been face-to-face and I wasn’t sure learning virtually would work for me.   Josh helped me effortlessly set myself up for online learning. He explained about equipment, software, learning platforms etc.   Once I started learning online with Josh, I saw how easy and convenient it was. I could wake up 5 minutes before my lesson and stumble to my computer (but don’t tell Josh that!) Online learning fit in so well with my busy schedule of a full-time job and raising two toddlers. I don’t have to worry about going anywhere for my lessons, I just have to ‘commute’ to the computer in my bedroom!   And online learning is so much better than face-to-face – my tutor can bring any resource on the internet to our lessons and I can take a quick break to check on my toddlers whenever I need.   I’m never going back to face-to-face tuition!”   Daisy, mother and accountant
“I just felt it was important for me to confirm, Josh absolutely means what he says that his teaching motivates and inspires you and is as far as possible from ‘boring’ learning. Josh is teaching English to our 6 year old son Jamie with lessons based on Minecraft! Jamie is obsessed with Minecraft which is a video game popular amongst kids his age. I never dreamed I’d find a tutor who would create and deliver such an exciting curriculum to Jamie. Jamie loves his lessons and is always asking us when the next one is; he really looks forward to them and we’ve never found that with any other tutor! I just wish I’d contacted Josh sooner!”   Seraphina, mother and Judge
“I was hitting my head against the wall with some English Literature coursework and the deadline was fast approaching!   I was panicking and contacted Josh. He immediately calmed me by breaking down such an overwhelming problem into a strict schedule of mini-goals. He then supported me in achieving all these mini-goals and I turned in a brilliant essay that got a 9 at GCSE!   I was astounded – that just wouldn’t have been possible without Josh!”   Chris, 15  
“Unusually, my 11 year old daughter Joy is obsessed with dinosaurs. From the very beginning of her first Biology lesson, Josh integrated dinosaurs into almost every task, keeping her highly interested, engaged and motivated. He just radiated enthusiasm for the subject and it was infectious! Joy almost fell off her chair when he assigned her ‘homework’ of going to the dinosaur exhibit at The Natural History Museum! Josh even researched a few great dinosaur documentaries on Netflix for her to watch! I’ve never seen Joy so enthusiastic about learning; for the first time, she is working by herself without us having to push her. We’ve finally found our perfect tutor!”   Peter, father and Doctor  
“I’ll admit, I had my doubts about online learning when I first came to Josh. All my previous tuition had been face-to-face and I wasn’t sure learning virtually would work for me.   Josh helped me effortlessly set myself up for online learning. He explained about equipment, software, learning platforms etc.   Once I started learning online with Josh, I saw how easy and convenient it was. I could wake up 5 minutes before my lesson and stumble to my computer (but don’t tell Josh that!) Online learning fit in so well with my busy schedule of a full-time job and raising two toddlers. I don’t have to worry about going anywhere for my lessons, I just have to ‘commute’ to the computer in my bedroom!   And online learning is so much better than face-to-face – my tutor can bring any resource on the internet to our lessons and I can take a quick break to check on my toddlers whenever I need.   I’m never going back to face-to-face tuition!”   Daisy, mother and accountant
“Money’s tight with me as I’m just a student. Josh was kind enough to fully explain his Referrals Reward Programme to me and thus far I’ve been able to book 15 lessons with Josh that have been fully funded by my making referrals. I haven’t paid a penny!   I’d been assigned some stupid poetry to study as part of my A Level English and I was dreading it. Josh looked at the poems and instead spent our first lesson talking about my favourite rapper Eminem! He explained rap is just poetry set to a beat and, through analysing Eminem’s tracks, I learned about rhyme, internal rhyme, meter, rhythm and so many other cool things in a really interesting way. We then transferred that knowledge to poetry and I gained a new appreciation of it. Josh is a truly inspirational tutor – can’t recommend him highly enough!”   Luke, 16
Mrs Al-Waleed
“I’m in the fortunate position of being able to request bespoke service wherever I go, whether it’s buying a new car, clothes shopping or looking at properties to purchase. I have been so impressed by the bespoke personalized service lavished on me by Josh. He considered so many aspects of my learning process in great detail – I have never heard of any other tutor offering anything approaching it and I’ve recommended Josh to all my friends. It’s a truly remarkable service and I’m really looking forward to learning with Josh”.   Mrs. Al-Waleed  
Oxford Professor
“Josh has so much strength and compassion; he is so kind and has truly supported me through some difficult recent times. I have a lot of friends in Israel and I worry about them so much with the current war. Josh has comforted and reassured me and has taken on the lion’s share of the work in ensuring I stay up-to-date in my academic work, grant applications, interviews, roundtables, conferences and other academic commitments. In the background, he has looked out for my mental health and rallied with my friends to provide me with a strong support network in these difficult times”   An Academic at Oxford University
Oxford Academic
“Josh is invaluable to Oxford University. He is currently working with me on Oxford’s Undergraduate courses. Josh is absolutely the best; it’s clear he has so much passion for researching all the information and presenting it on the course in a way that truly resonates with and motivates our students. He has come up with so many impressive and innovative ideas that we have never considered before at Oxford. And he’s so supportive and loyal to the University; he has taken so much stress and pressure off me in sculpting these courses. Working with Josh is an absolute joy – I commend him unreservedly to you”.   A Leading Academic at Oxford University
“What’s amazing about Josh is how quickly and easily he establishes a strong rapport with you. I’m normally very reserved and shy and have unfortunately fired lots of previous tutors I just didn’t get on with. Josh had me laughing within the first few minutes of our lesson and he quickly proved that he was there to support me no matter what.   I now consider him a trusted friend and confidante and a constant source of support and understanding. I have trusted him with sensitive private matters outside my academic learning and he has helped me enormously”.   Elizabeth, 25 – a fully qualified solicitor
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