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Josh in a nutshell
Uni student studying chemistry with computing with future plans to become a teacher in the field. Achieved 9s for maths, chemistry and computing and have prior experience tutoring all three with my students grades increasing by two levels each over the course of that one year.
My lessons all take place online, so there is no need for any in-person meet ups or prep so can easily be done over teams...
Uni student studying chemistry with computing with future plans to become a teacher in the field. Achieved 9s for maths, chemistry and computing and have prior experience tutoring all three with my students grades increasing by two levels each over the course of that one year.
My lessons all take place online, so there is no need for any in-person meet ups or prep so can easily be done over teams or similar software. The lessons will involve some simple steps:
1. Identify the problem(s) the student is having. This can be done by going through a course specification and highlighting any areas the student struggles with
2. Re-teach the content slowly, focusing on the key points that earn marks or answers to common exam questions
3. Practice example question that either I have made up myself or past exam questions. We then work back through the answers together if incorrectly answered to identify at what step the mistake was made.
My hours are very flexible as a university student with the only exception being that I cannot book whilst I have a lesson or when I am on holiday (in this case you may be told well in advance when booking future appointments so that they can be booked around this). Lessons typically will last for about 1 hour as standard unless otherwise stated when booking. I am perfectly happy to have 2 hour sessions however I do believe revision is most productive at 1 hour multiple times throughout the week.
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