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Joel in a nutshell
I try to tailor my lessons around the student as much as possible. It is important to understand what outcome the student hopes for and I can adjust my lessons to ultimately reach that objective. I will use the interactive software IDLE (Python) in lessons to help teach code. Online resources may also be introduced, however, I believe word of mouth with a students full attention achieves the best...
I try to tailor my lessons around the student as much as possible. It is important to understand what outcome the student hopes for and I can adjust my lessons to ultimately reach that objective. I will use the interactive software IDLE (Python) in lessons to help teach code. Online resources may also be introduced, however, I believe word of mouth with a students full attention achieves the best results. I have had concentration issues a lot during my time at school, delivering this one-to-one experience I am to reduce any chances of students missing important parts of the lesson.
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