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Joe in a nutshell
Starting from the very basics up to the most intense aspects of the Spanish language we will learn step by step together to become better listeners, writers, and Spanish speakers. The course is compiled into 25 lessons, which will aim to improve vocabulary and understanding of the basic Spanish language. Pronunciation and real life conversations will be vital; for in these learning steps it is re...
Starting from the very basics up to the most intense aspects of the Spanish language we will learn step by step together to become better listeners, writers, and Spanish speakers. The course is compiled into 25 lessons, which will aim to improve vocabulary and understanding of the basic Spanish language. Pronunciation and real life conversations will be vital; for in these learning steps it is required to not only KNOW the Spanish language, but to SPEAK and EXPRESS what we really feel and convey it into our natural day-to-day Spanish speaking.

My experience came from serving as a volunteer for 2 years based in Madrid, Spain, where I would regularly interact with native Spanish speakers. I also had many opportunities to teach English lessons to those native Spanish speakers to help improve their leaning techniques on how to master their desired language. My lessons would consist of 10-20 students through zoom and through physical lessons, both with the same positive outcomes. Occasionally one on one lessons would be provided for those students who were more advanced so that the learning could be tailored to suit the student. I believe we all have our own individual levels and we all learn in different ways, my aim was to uncover the best ways for every student so that I could best help individual needs.

I believe that with hard work and motivated tutors comes great results and this is what we will experience on our grand journey on becoming native Spanish speakers.

If you're up for focused, individual and effective learning then send me over an email and let's get started!
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