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Jodie in a nutshell
I tend to use Zoom for my lessons but I'm open to try other software if you have any suggestions. At the start of each lesson I will ask if there is a topic in particular that you want to focus on for the session - this could be something that you've struggled with that week at school or just something that you're interested in learning. If there isn't anything that comes to mind, don't worry - I...
I tend to use Zoom for my lessons but I'm open to try other software if you have any suggestions. At the start of each lesson I will ask if there is a topic in particular that you want to focus on for the session - this could be something that you've struggled with that week at school or just something that you're interested in learning. If there isn't anything that comes to mind, don't worry - I'll select a suitable topic that we can revise based on your learning in school. I encourage students to interact during the lesson by writing or drawing, so a tablet and a stylus is very handy but a laptop or computer is just as efficient.
If you are working towards an exam, we will tend to work together to create a suitable timetable so we are guaranteed to cover all that is necessary. This also helps you to prepare any work or questions you may have for the session.

A basic outline of each session would be:
- Introducing a new topic/Refreshing your knowledge on a chosen topic
- Approaching some questions together
- Completing some questions independently while you talk me through your process
- A refresher of what we've learnt
- Talking you through what I'd like you to prepare for next time (this will only be a couple of questions - I don't want to add to the stress of schoolwork!)

My prices are £25/hour for A-Level, £15/hour for years 7-11 and £10/hour for years 1-6

I hope to see you on Zoom soon!

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