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verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
University students
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree: Bio-Veterinary
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Joanne in a nutshell
I have worked as a teacher in a variety of fields covering a wide range of topics from Maths, English and Science GCSE, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Animal Behavior and Science along with Micro Biology. This has led me to work with a large range of students all with their own learning style and ability. I have tutored before and taught in large groups, each student will always get the...
I have worked as a teacher in a variety of fields covering a wide range of topics from Maths, English and Science GCSE, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Animal Behavior and Science along with Micro Biology. This has led me to work with a large range of students all with their own learning style and ability. I have tutored before and taught in large groups, each student will always get the time, attention and lessons that will best suit them not only for learning but to be enjoyable as well.

My lessons focus on learning in your way, for some it is fun engaging activities, for others heavily detailed bits of information presented in text or images. Despite how you wish to learn that is how the lessons will be presented. I will always work with my student adapting and developing as we go to provide the best teaching experience.

FIRST LESSON IS ALWAYS FREE - This is to ensure I am the right teacher for you, I understand that I may not be who you are looking for and feeling comfortable and relaxed is also very important.

My area of expertise is Science and Animals, this includes other aspects such as legislation, micro biology and genetics, Animal Productions, Husbandry, Math's and English and more.

My job is to teach you as much as I can, this is something I have done for a number or kids and adults of different ages and learning capability and I am now looking to further that reach.
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