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Joanna in a nutshell
I tutored a boy in Year 7 for a year, during which we focused on pronunciation of words, spelling and grammar. I will be teaching English language and culture in Belgium at two Universities from September; I feel very confident in my ability to teach clearly.

During lessons, I believe it is important to focus on the oral aspect above all since it is so essential to be able to communicate effect...
I tutored a boy in Year 7 for a year, during which we focused on pronunciation of words, spelling and grammar. I will be teaching English language and culture in Belgium at two Universities from September; I feel very confident in my ability to teach clearly.

During lessons, I believe it is important to focus on the oral aspect above all since it is so essential to be able to communicate effectively. We will have a topic each week/lesson which will include a video or article to watch/read beforehand and then we will discuss the topic on a wider level. This will include highlighting certain vocabulary, idiomatic phrases, complex grammar structures or any other pieces of language I feel are important to highlight.

Depending on your level, grammar classes will either be often or few and will vary in their difficulty/complexity. If you have any specific aspects of grammar that you wish to cover, please let me know! I am here for your learning and benefit, so however you want these classes to be tailored to your needs, I will do so!

Some cultural/historical classes are also an option, such as the United Kingdom vs Great Britain, The Troubles, how Wales and Scotland differ from England, local accents and dialects; many others! Learning a language is important, but understanding the countries that speak it can be even more important - especially if you want to live there.

Again, whatever you want to learn about will be the highlight of your sessions, whether that is grammar, written communication, oral communication or learning about the countries that speak English!
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