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Town/city/borough Willesden, Blackfriars, City of Westminster (London), Holborn, Mayfair, Westminster Abbey
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Ji in a nutshell
Firstly, I want to get to know my students and understand in which ways they are most receptive to learning as everyone is unique and needs to have a method of teaching tailored to them. Once we are comfortable and understand each other well we can create a learning pathway that is best for them which is not set in stone but adapts as the student progresses.
Firstly, I want to get to know my students and understand in which ways they are most receptive to learning as everyone is unique and needs to have a method of teaching tailored to them. Once we are comfortable and understand each other well we can create a learning pathway that is best for them which is not set in stone but adapts as the student progresses.
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