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Jessica in a nutshell
My lessons will differ depending on the chosen subject and will be subject to the individual student's relative weaknesses within the syllabus. I will start with a consultation session to go through the syllabus in detail with the student and gauge their level of understanding. I aim for my sessions to be as interactive as possible and encourage lots of questions.

A question-based approach wou...
My lessons will differ depending on the chosen subject and will be subject to the individual student's relative weaknesses within the syllabus. I will start with a consultation session to go through the syllabus in detail with the student and gauge their level of understanding. I aim for my sessions to be as interactive as possible and encourage lots of questions.

A question-based approach would be taken for A-Level Maths. I select the most challenging questions from each topic to work through with the student. I will clarify any misunderstandings about the theory. I will also set up an intensive schedule for doing timed past papers in the student's own time which we would go through together in our sessions.

For A-Level Economics, I will deliver slide show presentations that will allow me to break down the most difficult aspects of the course. Separate sessions will be offered to focus on graphs and exam practice.

A similar approach would be taken for A-Level Geography but with more emphasis on case studies and exams.

I constantly monitor the progress of my students with short quizzes at the end of each chapter so that I can adjust future sessions to optimise the experience of the students.
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