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Town/city/borough London, East Barnet, New Southgate, Winchmore Hill
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
University students
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Javier in a nutshell
I personally believe the best way to learn a language is by using what you learn on the spot, that way the brain will not forget what you have learn. In my lessons we work on that. By using conversation throughout the entire lesson I help students to reach their maximum level of the target language. My lessons are conducted in a calm way in whic the student feels free to speak even though is at a...
I personally believe the best way to learn a language is by using what you learn on the spot, that way the brain will not forget what you have learn. In my lessons we work on that. By using conversation throughout the entire lesson I help students to reach their maximum level of the target language. My lessons are conducted in a calm way in whic the student feels free to speak even though is at a basic level. We use daily life topics like, describing your neighbourhood, going on holiday, the food you like etc....the lessons will always have real life audios and videos to help students connect with other types of accents, that way they will be able to understand the different kind of spanish accents all around the world.
Do you like songs? Did you know that learning a new song will help you with your fluency? There are many singers that are able to sing a song in a language that they cannot speak and just by learning the lyrics the look like a native speakers. Songs are also full of really great grammar points like, the past tense, the subjunctive, the future etc... In class we can review different songs (don´t worry you wont have to sing outloud if you dont feel like it), but reviewing the lyrics will definately help you. TV programms can also help you a lot, we sometimes will look into some of them to help you achieve your greatest potential.
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