Its all up to the student. We can stay exam focused , we can build our theory from the textbooks (and my head) or a combo of the two.
To be honest, although my methods have been proven to work over 5 years experience , I'm more than happy to teach in any stye requested. Your the boss while we're together.
My degree was in Theoretical physics and Pure mathematics. This entailed using fundamental...
Its all up to the student. We can stay exam focused , we can build our theory from the textbooks (and my head) or a combo of the two.
To be honest, although my methods have been proven to work over 5 years experience , I'm more than happy to teach in any stye requested. Your the boss while we're together.
My degree was in Theoretical physics and Pure mathematics. This entailed using fundamental theorems and equestions to work out real world problems when it came to physics or abstract hypothesis using propositional logic for pure math.
I considered research but I love to travel so I dexided to start this business online instead. Now I've lived evertwhere from cosmopolitan cities to jungle villages all while playing my flamenco guitar.
I would love to hear from you so we can discuss how to get you the marks you need
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