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1st class free
First class free
Town/city/borough Bournemouth, Ashley Cross, Branksome, Canford Cliffs, Moordown, Parkstone
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Master's degree (M): MRes.
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James in a nutshell
I am Mr James, a qualified, professional, native English speaking tutor. I provide, English lessons for adults and will help you to learn, or improve your English skills to enable you to become a proficient communicator.

My lessons are structured to suit a persons particular interests and needs and various methods and materials are used to make your tutorials interesting, relevant and useful....
I am Mr James, a qualified, professional, native English speaking tutor. I provide, English lessons for adults and will help you to learn, or improve your English skills to enable you to become a proficient communicator.

My lessons are structured to suit a persons particular interests and needs and various methods and materials are used to make your tutorials interesting, relevant and useful.

Alternatively, if you just want to practice and improve your English conversational skills, I have a broad range of interests and can provide interesting and practical talking practice to help you to develop your conversational skills in English.

As well providing traditional English lessons, I also provide academic assistance for those who are preparing for English related examinations such as the IELTS test, or the international civiil aviation organisation (ICAO) English test. In addition, if you are an international medical graduate (IMG) I am also able to provide English support lessons to enable you to take the Occupational English Test for doctors with confidence.

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