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Jade in a nutshell
Session with me will be prodominently led by you. Before we start I will send you a questionnaire to determine your learning style and depending on this I can be very flexible in my approach. Whether you are an activist, pragmatist, theorist or reflector I can adapt the sessions to ensure you get the best out of them. Please let me know of any hobbies or interests you have beforehand as we all le...
Session with me will be prodominently led by you. Before we start I will send you a questionnaire to determine your learning style and depending on this I can be very flexible in my approach. Whether you are an activist, pragmatist, theorist or reflector I can adapt the sessions to ensure you get the best out of them. Please let me know of any hobbies or interests you have beforehand as we all learn better when the learning matieral is related to something we are familiar with.
As my sessions will be over Microsoft teams there are multiple tools at our fingertips to utilise, please don't worry if you have never used teams I can provide a video on how to get set up and show you around on you are on :). Teams is an amazing tool to bring active 121 learning into your home. My only ask with this is your camera is turned on, I work a lot through non verbal cues and being able to see you ensures I can create the best learning environment and pace for may not even realise you are showing these cues but they are very important for me to see, it will show me when it's time to consolidate, when you are ready for new matieral or if you are becoming overwhelmed. Virtual fatigue is a potential when learning online so non verbal cues will help me in determining if you are being affected by this.

The main points for my sessions are they will be engaging, elements of fun, application of your new knowledge and opportunity for consolidation and I can guide you on the most effective methods for this.
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