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Jack in a nutshell
I have about 7 years of experience playing guitar and I am now playing live shows with my band. I have experience working as a production assistant, working in recording studios and have taught guitar to friends and family who, having seen my passion towards teaching, persuaded me to take this on full time. Having been deaf throughout early childhood, music quickly became the biggest part of my l...
I have about 7 years of experience playing guitar and I am now playing live shows with my band. I have experience working as a production assistant, working in recording studios and have taught guitar to friends and family who, having seen my passion towards teaching, persuaded me to take this on full time. Having been deaf throughout early childhood, music quickly became the biggest part of my life, my guitar became my therapist whilst also helping me become the coolest of the 12 year olds! I am 17 and I have developed a fun and alternative approach to guitar teaching.

I am a self taught musician in a family of classically trained musicians. Because of this I have discovered there are flaws to the grade system which I wont go into too much detail about. I think practising guitar is often taught to be a chore for young children when it should really be the opposite. Creativity and experimentation is not encouraged and so kids learn to play the most intricate pieces but struggle with improvising, songwriting and using the guitar as a tool to express themselves. I aim to change this when teaching guitar.

My main aim is make sure the child enjoys the guitar and the lessons. By enjoying your instrument, you practise more, gain a better ear for the music and improve a lot quicker. For complete beginners I teach the basic techniques of where to start and once they reach the next level I teach them their favourite songs as I believe thats the best way to get hooked and the best way to train your ear. The more the student improves, the more I encourage experimentation and for them to adapt to their own style as there isn't just one way to play guitar. I tend to introduce the caged system, when the time is right. This is a system of scales which one memorised can allow you to improvise over any song. An incredibly useful tool, although I try and ensure muscle memory and ear training is used just as much as scales when improvising. Though this comes at a more intermediate level.
as a whole are adapted to the wishes of the parent and student and why they have chosen to pursue guitar whether it be for exams, enjoyment ect. I also try and adapt teaching methods to whatever works best for the specific student. Most importing thing, however, is that the student has fun!

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