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Town/city/borough Birmingham, Digbeth, Saltley
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Isma in a nutshell
My teaching methods are very hands on. The best part about English is that as long as you have evidence, there is no right or wrong answer. It is all based on interpretation. I use past papers to help give an insight to vocabulary used as well as ideas and I like to give reading time to ensure that there is every opportunity for you mind to develop new skills as well as interpret what hidden stor...
My teaching methods are very hands on. The best part about English is that as long as you have evidence, there is no right or wrong answer. It is all based on interpretation. I use past papers to help give an insight to vocabulary used as well as ideas and I like to give reading time to ensure that there is every opportunity for you mind to develop new skills as well as interpret what hidden story the book is trying to tell you.

Obviously everyone works at their own pace so I would never give a student more work than they can handle. That includes homework - I do not believe in throwing so much at a student for homework while they must attend school and do 7 hours every day of work. Children need time to focus on other important parts of life not just their education.
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