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verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
University students
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Master's degree (M) (studying): Master in Management
Bachelor's Degree: Economics and Management
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Isabella in a nutshell
Lesson Format:
My lessons are designed to be engaging, interactive, and tailored to your specific needs and goals. I believe in a student-centred approach, where your interests and learning style are at the forefront. Here's what you can generally expect:

Assessment: At the beginning of our journey together, I will assess your current level of knowledge and your learning objectives. This helps m...
Lesson Format:
My lessons are designed to be engaging, interactive, and tailored to your specific needs and goals. I believe in a student-centred approach, where your interests and learning style are at the forefront. Here's what you can generally expect:

Assessment: At the beginning of our journey together, I will assess your current level of knowledge and your learning objectives. This helps me customize our lessons to suit your individual needs.
Structured Curriculum: While I prioritize flexibility, I also provide a structured curriculum to ensure comprehensive coverage of the subject matter. This includes grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and cultural insights, depending on your level and goals.
Interactive Activities: I incorporate a variety of activities such as role-playing, conversations, games, and real-life scenarios to make learning enjoyable and practical. These activities encourage active participation and boost your confidence in using the language.
Homework and Practice: I may assign homework or practice exercises to reinforce what we've covered during our lessons. Regular practice is key to language acquisition and improvement.
Feedback and Assessment: I provide constructive feedback on your performance, highlighting areas for improvement and acknowledging your progress. This feedback loop helps you track your development.
Content and Dynamics:

Grammar and Vocabulary: We'll cover essential grammar rules and expand your vocabulary progressively, ensuring a strong foundation in the language.
Conversational Practice: I emphasize real-world communication skills. We'll engage in conversations, discussions, and dialogues to boost your speaking and listening abilities.
Cultural Insights: Understanding the culture behind the language is vital. I'll introduce you to Italian culture, traditions, and customs, which will enrich your language-learning experience.
Flexible Topics: Whether you're interested in travel, business, literature, or any specific area, I can adapt our lessons to focus on topics that interest you the most.
I have a strong academic background, including a Bachelor's degree from Bocconi University and ongoing pursuit of a master's degree. My passion for teaching stems from my love for helping others succeed. I have honed my teaching skills through years of interaction and conversation with diverse individuals, both inside and outside the classroom.

My kind, empathetic, and patient nature ensures a supportive and encouraging learning environment. I am committed to your progress and will work diligently to help you achieve your language learning goals.

Overall, my lessons are designed to be engaging, effective, and tailored to your unique needs. I am here to support you on your language-learning journey, and together, we will make significant strides toward proficiency in Italian.
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