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verified Verified data time 3 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Isabella in a nutshell
Each lesson will be tailored to you and your needs. When we first meet I will discuss with you what you want to get out of the sessions, what things you struggle most with and ways that you learn best. Then, based on that discussion, each lesson going forward will be a combination of me teaching using unique Power Points, worksheets, past papers etc. I often begin my sessions with a 'warm up' tas...
Each lesson will be tailored to you and your needs. When we first meet I will discuss with you what you want to get out of the sessions, what things you struggle most with and ways that you learn best. Then, based on that discussion, each lesson going forward will be a combination of me teaching using unique Power Points, worksheets, past papers etc. I often begin my sessions with a 'warm up' task which is just a quick couple of questions based on previous material we've covered in order to remind you of what we've completed so far. Nothing in my sessions has any pressure attached to it - I am here to help you whenever you need it, so none of these tasks are tests! At the end of each session I'll ask if there's anything in particular you'd like to cover in the next lesson so that I can get a idea of what to focus on, but if there isn't anything then I just select the topic myself. I am very flexible and open to changing sessions if and when things come up that you would prefer to cover. Some students have asked me to set them homework in the past - I am happy to do this, but this is completely up to you. You are also welcome to bring things along to the lesson from your school lessons if something came up that you didn't fully understand and want to go over. My sessions are flexible, understanding and unique to you.
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