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Iqra naseer
Iqra naseer
Town/city/borough Beckenham
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Level of the lessons
Level of the lessons
Infant and nursery school
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Iqra naseer in a nutshell
My lessons for playgroup-level students are designed to be fun, engaging, and developmentally appropriate. The format is highly interactive and play-based, recognizing that young children learn best through play and hands-on activities.

Each session begins with a warm-up activity, such as a sing-along or a simple game, to capture the children's attention and set a positive tone. The core of the...
My lessons for playgroup-level students are designed to be fun, engaging, and developmentally appropriate. The format is highly interactive and play-based, recognizing that young children learn best through play and hands-on activities.

Each session begins with a warm-up activity, such as a sing-along or a simple game, to capture the children's attention and set a positive tone. The core of the lesson includes a variety of activities that promote learning through exploration and creativity. This might include storytelling, arts and crafts, simple science experiments, and interactive games.

Content is focused on foundational skills such as colors, shapes, numbers, and letters. For example, we might play a game where children identify different shapes hidden around the room or engage in a counting activity with colorful toys. Language development is supported through songs, rhymes, and storytime, where children are encouraged to participate and express themselves.

Physical activities are also an integral part of the lessons to support motor skills development. This can include simple exercises, dancing, and outdoor play. Social skills are fostered through group activities that encourage sharing, cooperation, and communication.

My experience with playgroup-level children has taught me the importance of flexibility and patience. Each child is unique, and I adapt activities to meet their individual needs and interests. By creating a nurturing and stimulating environment, I aim to make learning a joyful experience that builds a strong foundation for future educational success.
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