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Town/city/borough Hertford
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
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Indigo in a nutshell
First we can discuss together your learning style in an initial consultation about you and your learning needs. It is also your chance to meet me and understand my communication style and experience.

I am a very visual teacher and I love to teach difficult concepts using real world examples or references. I try to be very creative with my teaching and revision tools, so expect to be thinking of...
First we can discuss together your learning style in an initial consultation about you and your learning needs. It is also your chance to meet me and understand my communication style and experience.

I am a very visual teacher and I love to teach difficult concepts using real world examples or references. I try to be very creative with my teaching and revision tools, so expect to be thinking of funny anagrams, drawing silly pictures and I may even drop a song in here and there!

My dynamic is upbeat, lots of energy and hopefully I can make learning Chemistry/Science as fun as possible.

Not only do I aim to grow your Chemistry/Science knowledge but I aim to give my students the inner confidence and belief in their abilities. I hope that my students aim for even more than they would ever expect of themselves!

I take things at the pace of the student. There is no pressure to understand or get things right the first time. Chemistry/Science can be complicated and often things need explaining multiple times and in multiple different ways for the information to stick. I always work to achieve the timelines for homework's, mocks and exams.

For students in GSCE, 6th Form and above, I can also offer career advice on what is is like being a Scientist, how to apply to jobs, internships and university. I can speak from my lived experience as a scientist in industry as I have a background in academics, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

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