University Degree (studying): Economics and Finance
Location of my classes
Bramford · Ipswich · Rushmere St Andrew · Tuddenham St Martin · Westerfield · Whitton (Suffolk)
Profile of Hugh Catchpole
About me
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About me
I got a high A* in Economics with the AQA examboard. The reason I did so well was not just due to thorough knowledge but also down to knowing what the examiners were looking for. I have created my own Micro and Macro Economics textbook which follows the specification precisely, missing out no possible examinable content and uses the key words that examiners want to see. The teaching plan is to go...
I got a high A* in Economics with the AQA examboard. The reason I did so well was not just due to thorough knowledge but also down to knowing what the examiners were looking for. I have created my own Micro and Macro Economics textbook which follows the specification precisely, missing out no possible examinable content and uses the key words that examiners want to see. The teaching plan is to go over the content in a topic so that we understand the concepts first. Then we move onto answering past paper questions in an open book and untimed environment. By the end of a topic we aim to be writing A* paragraphs for every possible essay question in a timed format.