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Town/city/borough London
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Secondary school
University students
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Hope in a nutshell
My lessons are truly dependent on the person and the manner in which they are able to understand information the best. I have my own personal way of relaying information by starting with the basics and building up from there. My goal is to be flexible yet dedicated to the main goal of whomever I may be tutoring. I enjoy getting to know someone and what works best for them in order to move forward...
My lessons are truly dependent on the person and the manner in which they are able to understand information the best. I have my own personal way of relaying information by starting with the basics and building up from there. My goal is to be flexible yet dedicated to the main goal of whomever I may be tutoring. I enjoy getting to know someone and what works best for them in order to move forward in a manner that works for both parties. I am excited to learn new ways as well as share my own! God bless:)
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