Hi, I'm a highly experienced ESL teacher and post-graduate educated artist who is actively researching the most innovative teaching methodologies today.
My specialisms in private tutoring are as follows:
-I can offer deeply immersive English language courses that respond to your interests and make learning grammar and vocabulary second-nature, including content based on real time concepts and cr...
Hi, I'm a highly experienced ESL teacher and post-graduate educated artist who is actively researching the most innovative teaching methodologies today.
My specialisms in private tutoring are as follows:
-I can offer deeply immersive English language courses that respond to your interests and make learning grammar and vocabulary second-nature, including content based on real time concepts and critical thinking. You or your child's learning will be enlivened with creative use of digital content (videos, podcasts, articles, graphics etc)
-Art and Design or art history tutoring including portfolio guidance with the help of first hand and highly successful experience in
UK arts university applications and the promise of always actively researching current practice to offer you the best possible support
-Highly supportive tutoring in essay and coursework assignments with an exceptional level of success in academic writing, experience in mentoring students up to post graduate level dissertation writing and over 12 years experience in teaching English exam students writing skills, including students with difficulties in academic learning
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