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Helena in a nutshell
I frequently volunteer at a local primary school, helping students with their English skills. In my lessons, students may be given a brief and a word target to write towards, and then we will go through their writing and analyse the best parts and how it can be approved. I have an A-Level in English Language, and a proficiency in creative writing, as well as helping others as a freelance editor...
I frequently volunteer at a local primary school, helping students with their English skills. In my lessons, students may be given a brief and a word target to write towards, and then we will go through their writing and analyse the best parts and how it can be approved. I have an A-Level in English Language, and a proficiency in creative writing, as well as helping others as a freelance editor and being an author myself. I can also help younger children with their reading skills in my sessions, ensuring they can understand phonemes as well as what is being portrayed in the text. I have experience in working with children aged 4 to 12, helping them improve their reading and their spelling, punctuation and grammar. During my years at Secondary School, I was an English tutor for younger year students who were behind in their reading level and abilities. As well as reading and writing, I can also help younger children with their ability to speak English, using words they already know to help them with their ability to pronounce new words, or sounds they struggle with. Through my volunteering, I have ample experience in working with children, and finding ways to teach them designed specifically to them, using things they are interested in to encourage them to learn on their own alongside their lessons, such as finding books including things they are passionate about, as well as holding conversations with them about things they like. Thank you for your consideration.
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