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1st class free
First class free
Town/city/borough Kettering, Great Cransley, Pytchley, Thorpe Malsor, Warkton, Weekley
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Heba in a nutshell
I tailor my lessons to whoever I am teaching and their specific needs. With most lessons I start off with a warmer or starter task to introduce the topic or to revisit any previous lessons (if it is not the first lesson). As for the main body of the lesson, I practice a ‘test, teach, test’ format as I believe it is important to get stuck in and practice what you are trying to learn. This can obvi...
I tailor my lessons to whoever I am teaching and their specific needs. With most lessons I start off with a warmer or starter task to introduce the topic or to revisit any previous lessons (if it is not the first lesson). As for the main body of the lesson, I practice a ‘test, teach, test’ format as I believe it is important to get stuck in and practice what you are trying to learn. This can obviously be negotiated depending on the student and depending on whether this is the best format suited to the student. My main goal is to ensure that the student is happy and making progress at the end of the day. To end the lesson I think it’s important to have a fun summary as this is more likely to stick with you post-lesson.

I have 7+ years experience in teaching and supporting students in lesson. My enthusiasm and approachable nature mean I am able to build a rapport with others easily. I have worked in a number of mainstream and special schools, both teaching and supporting students’
learning. My non-judgemental approach and caring attitude allows me to motivate and keep students engaged in their learning journey.
My excellent communication and organisational skills help me to support students in their learning, as well as ensure that I am a consistent and reliable tutor to my students. I have taught a wide range of students in a wide range of subject areas.
Finally, I have a commitment to safeguarding and making sure all students are happy and healthy.
I do this by not only listening to my students, but also by being vigilant of their well-being.
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