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Heather Danyadi-Sharples
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Heather Danyadi-Sharples
Town/city/borough Liverpool, Bootle (Sefton), Crosby (Sefton), Fazakerley, Garston, Gateacre, Halewood, Allerton, Childwall, Mossley Hill, Speke, West Derby, Woolton
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Heather Danyadi-Sharples in a nutshell
I have five years experience teaching A Level History and Law. I have also spent time teaching in a second school centre. I am happy to offer both small group and 1:1 tutoring online. My lessons are flexible and depends on students' needs, but I will always strive to work with the resources that are readily available to my students, and will provide additional materials. I aim to develop schemes...
I have five years experience teaching A Level History and Law. I have also spent time teaching in a second school centre. I am happy to offer both small group and 1:1 tutoring online. My lessons are flexible and depends on students' needs, but I will always strive to work with the resources that are readily available to my students, and will provide additional materials. I aim to develop schemes of work that gradually build students' knowledge and skills. Lessons begin with a triage, then delve into expanding and perfecting knowledge and skills. I am also more than happy to work on a more informal level by providing as and when needed feedback on students' written work and practice exam questions.
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