I have a passion for language arts and teaching. As a Moroccan, Arabic is my native language, but I began learning French in the first grade and English in middle school. I came to the United States 12 years ago and studied all three languages in college. My first tutoring position was in Morocco, where I tutored K-12 students in several subjects, including reading and writing Arabic. As an under...
I have a passion for language arts and teaching. As a Moroccan, Arabic is my native language, but I began learning French in the first grade and English in middle school. I came to the United States 12 years ago and studied all three languages in college. My first tutoring position was in Morocco, where I tutored K-12 students in several subjects, including reading and writing Arabic. As an undergrad, I tested into advanced Arabic classes and was permitted to take a graduate-level course in my senior year. I also tutored students from the undergraduate level to ph.D candidates.
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