I intend to provide dynamic lessons in French, with interesting examples and demonstrating practical aspects of the language. From beginner’s level to advanced, you’ll be learning different parts of speech and vocabulary variations which is the tricky part in French. French nouns unlike English are gender specific and a good distinction between these is imperative to understanding the language. M...
I intend to provide dynamic lessons in French, with interesting examples and demonstrating practical aspects of the language. From beginner’s level to advanced, you’ll be learning different parts of speech and vocabulary variations which is the tricky part in French. French nouns unlike English are gender specific and a good distinction between these is imperative to understanding the language. Moreover the differences in tenses and verb conjugations to English is a good way to start. My classes will cover all these topics with appropriate examples. The best way to learn any language is through practice and therefore the classes will also include speaking exercises that helps with the pronunciation of French words which differ greatly from words with the same spelling in English.