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Harry Lian
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Harry Lian
verified Verified data time 4 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
University students
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Harry Lian in a nutshell
Learning about something is not hard, but remembering is hard. In order to allow the student to remember the concepts, there needs to be connection between the brain and the content. I am a firm believer that learning does not have to be serious. Learning can be outgoing because when students are the most-relaxed, they have massive interest ideas. In addition, statistics has shown that when peopl...
Learning about something is not hard, but remembering is hard. In order to allow the student to remember the concepts, there needs to be connection between the brain and the content. I am a firm believer that learning does not have to be serious. Learning can be outgoing because when students are the most-relaxed, they have massive interest ideas. In addition, statistics has shown that when people are the most-relaxed, they often think crazy. Then, what I will use is that crazy idea and make a connection with what I am teaching. Students can learn this much more easier and lot more enjoyable. Furthermore, in order to each anything, I think the best thing to learn a different language is to read the most interesting book of that culture. My opinion is to read one of the four Chinese classics, Journey to the West. This book will probably be the primary focus. Do not worry about not able to get the copy of the book. I will provide the copy of the book. In addition, I know that students will take Chinese courses in their educational career. I will be happily to answer any questions related to that.

I have some experience with tutoring, but it was in music. I was tutoring music to junior high schoolers. I had an amazing time with them because they were eager to learn and perform at their best. They all were unique and interesting, which makes this job to be much more interesting.
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