1. We will confirm which book, text, author etc for which you need additional support
2. We will ascertain the outcomes i.e. a specific exam; certain level of proficiency etc
3. We will create a plan of action and timeline
I tailor to the student, but I will aim to help with:
- how to think through planning a piece of creative or non-fiction writing
- how to structure a com...
1. We will confirm which book, text, author etc for which you need additional support
2. We will ascertain the outcomes i.e. a specific exam; certain level of proficiency etc
3. We will create a plan of action and timeline
I tailor to the student, but I will aim to help with:
- how to think through planning a piece of creative or non-fiction writing
- how to structure a compelling opening and ending
- how to use critical thought and appropriate vocabulary when discussing a piece of writing
- how to time manage effectively
It's important that:
- you the student are clear with your aims and outcomes
- are willing to turn up consistency and do the work
- are ready to take your thinking and writing to the next level
It's important that:
- I as the tutor am clear on what your goals are
- I as the tutor am responsive to how you specifically learn best
- I ensure that I am clear about, and consistent in, what I expect of you
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