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Secondary school
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Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree (studying): English at Trinity College Dublin
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Hannah in a nutshell
English is a creative language, and to me, writing is an art form. I focus on editing academic and creative writing pieces, such as essays or short stories. I have three years of editing experience, and I find the best way to edit or teach different writing dynamics is to outline, and write edit. The outline is the thought or idea in your own words, as scattered or as broken as you want, and then...
English is a creative language, and to me, writing is an art form. I focus on editing academic and creative writing pieces, such as essays or short stories. I have three years of editing experience, and I find the best way to edit or teach different writing dynamics is to outline, and write edit. The outline is the thought or idea in your own words, as scattered or as broken as you want, and then write it to make sense to the audience. Then, editing is the knitty gritty, grammar, spelling, plot, etc. This path is what I use in every project and assignment I face, and I will not ask my student to do something I would not do.

With Academic papers, being able to reference and answer the prompt while still focusing on your answer is a learned skill and something that can always be improved upon, no matter the level of writing. Editing and peer review is a vital piece to any submitted paper and a piece of the writing process I excel at aiding with. Creative writing is more individualised than academic writing, but it is still a process. I aim to help my students lean into their own writing process and feel comfortable and proud of their work.

My goal is for every student to leave our sessions feeling hopeful, confident, and excited about their work. English is not easy, but it is beautiful, and there is an art to having a passion for it. I want to see this art thrive in my students.
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