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Town/city/borough Leeds, Potternewton, Harehills, Richmond Hill, Holbeck (City and Borough of )
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Level of the lessons
Secondary school
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree (studying): Human Resource management
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Hannah in a nutshell
Depending on what is preferred I can be online or in-person, I have experience with teaching english and primary level maths as a private tutor. If the lessons are to be online I would be using either Microsoft teams or Zoom depending on what is most convenient for the student. My goal is to make learning fun and easy to understand and adapt to real life situations, I can also help with homework...
Depending on what is preferred I can be online or in-person, I have experience with teaching english and primary level maths as a private tutor. If the lessons are to be online I would be using either Microsoft teams or Zoom depending on what is most convenient for the student. My goal is to make learning fun and easy to understand and adapt to real life situations, I can also help with homework that is needed. I have an international baccalaureate diploma where I did Maths at a higher level and biology in addition to Philosophy, English and Business. The content of the lessons are dependant on the students level and what they are learning at school in an attempt to help them get ahead in classes giving an academic advantage and homework may be assigned based on the progress during the lesson and the students willingness to learn as it is important for consistency if they are passionate. I like to make learning enjoyable and as such try to incorporate games into the learning.
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