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Town/city/borough London, Belsize Park, Chalk Farm, Hampstead, Highgate (Greater ), Primrose Hill, South Hampstead, Burnt Oak, Cricklewood, Dollis Hill, East Barnet
verified Verified data time 3 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
University students
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Halima in a nutshell
I have over 300 hours of experience tutoring Chemistry and Physics across GCSE and A-level alongside providing university admissions advice. While working at a leading British International school in Singapore, I have organised personal statement sessions, mock interviews and general subject advice! The experience has been very rewarding, and having a flexible approach has allowed students to rea...
I have over 300 hours of experience tutoring Chemistry and Physics across GCSE and A-level alongside providing university admissions advice. While working at a leading British International school in Singapore, I have organised personal statement sessions, mock interviews and general subject advice! The experience has been very rewarding, and having a flexible approach has allowed students to reach their goals. My key teaching style centres around conversing with the student, with questions throughout leading to a more collaborative session.
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