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Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
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Hajira in a nutshell
In my lessons, I aim to create a structured yet engaging learning environment tailored to meet the unique needs of each student. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:

Introductory Session: We start with an initial assessment to understand your current level and goals.
Structured Plan: Each lesson follows a clear structure with a mix of theory and practice, ensuring we cover all neces...
In my lessons, I aim to create a structured yet engaging learning environment tailored to meet the unique needs of each student. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:

Introductory Session: We start with an initial assessment to understand your current level and goals.
Structured Plan: Each lesson follows a clear structure with a mix of theory and practice, ensuring we cover all necessary topics methodically.
Interactive Approach: Lessons are interactive, encouraging questions and discussions to deepen understanding.
Regular Feedback: After each lesson, I provide detailed feedback and areas for improvement.
Content and Dynamics
Personalized Curriculum: Lessons are customized based on your learning pace and style. Whether you're preparing for exams, need help with homework, or just want to improve your skills, the content is tailored accordingly.
Problem-Solving Focus: We work on a variety of problems, from simple exercises to more challenging ones, to ensure comprehensive understanding.
Real-World Applications: Whenever possible, I incorporate real-world examples to show the practical applications of the concepts we're studying.
Regular Assessments: Periodic quizzes and tests help track your progress and identify areas needing further review.
Supportive Environment: I strive to create a positive and supportive atmosphere where you feel comfortable to express difficulties and celebrate successes.
Flexible Scheduling: Lessons are scheduled at your convenience, with the possibility of online or in-person sessions depending on your preference.
Resource-Rich: I provide a wealth of resources, including practice worksheets, online tools, and recommended readings, to supplement our lessons.
Lesson Structure

Introduction and Goal Setting

Duration: 5-10 minutes
Content: We start by reviewing previous lessons (if applicable) and setting clear objectives for the current session. This helps ensure that each lesson builds on prior knowledge and skills.
Concept Explanation

Duration: 15-20 minutes
Content: I explain new concepts using simple and clear language. For example, if we're solving a math problem like how much money David initially had, I’ll break down each step logically, ensuring you understand the rationale behind each action.
Interactive Problem Solving

Duration: 20-25 minutes
Content: We work through problems together, applying the concepts just learned. This hands-on practice is crucial for reinforcing learning. For instance, if we've covered a new math concept, we’ll solve similar problems collaboratively.
Guided Practice and Feedback

Duration: 10-15 minutes
Content: You get to solve problems on your own while I provide guidance and feedback. This stage is important for building confidence and identifying any areas that need further clarification.
Review and Q&A

Duration: 5-10 minutes
Content: We review what we’ve covered in the lesson and address any questions you may have. This ensures you leave each session with a solid understanding and know what to focus on in your practice.
Content and Dynamics

Personalized Approach: Every student learns differently. I tailor my lessons to your specific needs, whether you need help with basic concepts or more advanced topics.
Interactive and Engaging: Lessons are interactive, involving a lot of two-way communication. I encourage questions and active participation to make learning dynamic and enjoyable.
Practical Applications: I always try to connect lessons to real-world applications, making the material more relevant and easier to understand.
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