As a tutor, I have top notch skills and methods in making students understand and relate biology to Thier daily life activities which make this stick to Thier memory for ages. I am found of sighting relatable examples and sharing simple and short life experiences and practical experiences to enhance the knowledge of my students and this make them digest more topics than they really think they can...
As a tutor, I have top notch skills and methods in making students understand and relate biology to Thier daily life activities which make this stick to Thier memory for ages. I am found of sighting relatable examples and sharing simple and short life experiences and practical experiences to enhance the knowledge of my students and this make them digest more topics than they really think they can. I encourage My students to partake in class presentations, practical orientations/simulation, quiz practice together, group discussion and interactive activities/sessions to boost Thier confidence, self reliability and presentation skills, effective communication and interpersonal skills to foster positive relationships among thier peers. I believe that these methods will not only assist my students but also prepare them for the self input required for the big tasks ahead of them later in life (university education) . I believe that Having a good background knowledge prepares one to build a strong knowledge for further education.
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