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Town/city/borough Southend-on-Sea, Chalkwell, Prittlewell
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Gregory in a nutshell
I will first take you through the entire course, fleshing out your understanding of the course and noting down key examples and studies you can use across many potential questions. Then, we will refocus on areas where you are struggling or which are likely to come up on the test. Finally, I will break down in depth my own specialised exam writing technique that helped me and will help you get top...
I will first take you through the entire course, fleshing out your understanding of the course and noting down key examples and studies you can use across many potential questions. Then, we will refocus on areas where you are struggling or which are likely to come up on the test. Finally, I will break down in depth my own specialised exam writing technique that helped me and will help you get top marks for GCSE history. My Sessions with be one-to-one and entirely tailored to your needs, strengths and weaknesses. I will not only teach you what you need to know but also what examiners want to see in your answers working closely with the syllabus/specification you use to ensure you knowledge is immutable by the time exams are closing in. History teachers are great, but if you want someone who knows how to not only pass their history GCSE but also to reach those top marks, a student who just did that is ideal and that recency is what I offer you. I know all the tips and tricks, I know all best examples and if you allow me to tutor you, then you will as well. Finally, my presentations are fully flexible, with in-person or online working for me as well as each lesson being carefully designed around your specific strengths and weaknesses, so when the exam date starts to approach you will feel nothing but confidence. I hope you consider me for this opportunity, and guarantee that I will give everything I have to bring you up to top level.
1 reviews from Gregory's current and former students
Scott Hebenitz
Gregory was incredibly accommodating to my specific strengths and weaknesses, with the areas I wasn't confident in being focused on until I understood it entirely. He is upbeat, energetic and his knowledge is on point, but above all his exam-writing technique is what helped me go from a predicted 4 in GCSE history to an 8 within a matter of months. Highly recommend!!
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