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1st class free
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verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Education and qualifications
Other: International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
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Grace in a nutshell
I was born in Hong Kong, it gives me the environment which is speaking 3 languages, Chinese , Cantonese and English and be able to teaching languages which help people to strong their communicating skills. And I come to Cambridge to study IB Diploma Programme, I took Chinese A as my language A subject. I have a great experience on teaching how to analysis the literature to give a huge support on...
I was born in Hong Kong, it gives me the environment which is speaking 3 languages, Chinese , Cantonese and English and be able to teaching languages which help people to strong their communicating skills. And I come to Cambridge to study IB Diploma Programme, I took Chinese A as my language A subject. I have a great experience on teaching how to analysis the literature to give a huge support on exam writing, such as the structure on writing analysis and literature skills that the author used. I am also a supportive person, I could give good advice on writing, reading, and listening on language B exams, for example, how to make the answer more accurate and faster. Being friendly and emotionally support to the student is my primary aim of teaching, because I want everyone to have the passion for keep learning on Chinese.
I have a year experience on teaching free lessons of Chinese in schools which contain, I understand what the student needs the best and I can offer the biggest and suitable support to the students when they are struggling to the problem on learning. I can also provide a comfortable environment to students with my calm and friendly personality. And also, I have a flexible working timetable, you don't need to be nervous when you cannot attend to my lessons.
Feel free to contact me, I can offer a fifthten minute meeting to discuss and talk about the time for teaching, the way on teaching, and what you like me to teach.
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