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Town/city/borough Aldgate, Fenchurch Street, Shadwell (Greater London), Tower Hamlets (London), Tower Hill, Tower of London
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Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree (studying): Actuarial Science
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Glory in a nutshell
I believe young students are excited to learn when we can make the learning sessions fun. When introducing new materials, I would explain the mathematical functions theoretically and afterwards apply the theory to how children may view it in real life.
For example, after saying 2-1=1, we may explain when you have 2 pens and one of them breaks, then that means you one have 1 left, since the minus...
I believe young students are excited to learn when we can make the learning sessions fun. When introducing new materials, I would explain the mathematical functions theoretically and afterwards apply the theory to how children may view it in real life.
For example, after saying 2-1=1, we may explain when you have 2 pens and one of them breaks, then that means you one have 1 left, since the minus sign represents elimination.
Another example would be how 2 multiplied by 3, means that you have 3+3, so the answer is 6. You can also try to imagine how there are 2 baskets, and each basket contains 3 apples, so in total you have 6 apples!
To make students feel even more comfortable in doing questions, I believe it is also wise to keep track of what targets we want them achieve, and when they do we give back to them by giving simple gifts, like a chocolate bar or cute origamis. And in assessing, we can prepare by doing an exam simulation or fun assessments by creating problems in the form of games.
I believe engagement should be priority and it is never good when a student is struggling, we keep pressuring them in trying different questions when they lack the basics. Mathematics is a ladder, you can not get to the top when you are not able to spot the initial steps!
I will also prioritize in understanding each student's character, as everyone is different and has their own pace.
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