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How Can I Revise for the GCSE English Exam? - Consider this blog if you are struggling with revision

Revising for your GCSE English Exam can be done using multiple methods: {{btn_custom:Find GCSE English Tutors:}} Go over your assigned book and highlight the quotes while considering what words are important for an essay. Create mind maps using Canva or any other mind map websites to help memorise the different connotations of the keywords in the quotes. Create flashcards for key q...

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How to Reduce Anxiety Around Exam Time

Whether you're facing GCSEs, A-levels, or any other stressful exams, these tips can help reduce anxiety: {{btn_custom:Find Tutors:}} Talk to a trusted friend or family member. You can talk about what you are struggling with, and maybe they could help you out, such as testing you on your flashcards. This means you will not be isolated in your room doing revision. This can relieve the exam str...

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