First lesson is revolved around your learning techniques , how best to address you , potential triggers and what you understand so far on the subject. Lessons will have a 5 minute "introduction" , where we will speak about what the lesson will include and areas to work on.
I set homework for you to complete , which majoritally is an assignment on a relevant subject where you will be marked as if...
First lesson is revolved around your learning techniques , how best to address you , potential triggers and what you understand so far on the subject. Lessons will have a 5 minute "introduction" , where we will speak about what the lesson will include and areas to work on.
I set homework for you to complete , which majoritally is an assignment on a relevant subject where you will be marked as if it was an exam. These may range from English GCSE subjects , to writing assignments on companies etc.
5 minute breaks are offered every 30 minutes , to help students regulate themselves.
My experience being in my early twenties is that students will typically seek a tutor similar in age , therefore there isnt such a large gap from being taught myself to go into teaching rising students.
I remain professional during lessons , however will have advice for general life if you need to with on-hand charities and organisations for referral if discussed upon.
I personally love English language and seeing the different aspects of authors , as well as seeing young people excell in speaking English , learning historical English and helping you pass those exams!
I also offer lessons for adults seeking to learn , tailored to your experience and no judgement at all !! I hope I hear from you soon to begin our journey!
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