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verified Verified data time More than 5 years teaching experience
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Education and qualifications
University Degree (studying): hnd beauty and therapy
Vocational Education and Training (VET): Change your mind - Bob Proctor
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Gergana in a nutshell
I have passed many online trainings about self development , goal setting , achieving my desire life and i change my mindset to be able to help other people lifes change . I create a system and trully believe that this system will help everyone to change if they follow it and taka action regards them dreams .
I always work in person first to find out what they would like to achive and what st...
I have passed many online trainings about self development , goal setting , achieving my desire life and i change my mindset to be able to help other people lifes change . I create a system and trully believe that this system will help everyone to change if they follow it and taka action regards them dreams .
I always work in person first to find out what they would like to achive and what stopping them , then i give them sertain steps to follow and continued the work untill that start to transform them life and get closer to the desire result.
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